The view of our "street" -- Rue Saint Louis -- from our kitchen window.

Vivi enjoying the fountain downtown.

At the fountain downtown.

Sunday morning foot traffic outside the cafes.

Finn dancing on the cobblestones.

L'Eglise de Saint Louis, just before Sunday's second mass.

The view from our bathroom window of the landlady's back courtyard, complete with a lemon tree (she made Finn lemonade from her lemons the first day he was here), and a lovely purple honeysuckle plant.

Finn and Vivi watch a little Curious George while they eat lunch.

My morning coffee is sugared with cubes here! Delight!

Vivi demonstrating how small our French refrigerator is.

Finn and Vivi check out the French children's books we found in the apartment (
Tin Tin and
Where's Charlie --
Ou Est Charlie?, which is the French version of
Where's Waldo?)
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