We took a second walk this afternoon (both to see more of the town and to encourage Vivi to take a normal-timed nap), and on the way took more photos. (Two posts in one day? Mais oui... This blog is as good a place as any for me to record my thoughts on the place as any, and why not also share these little thoughts with you?)
So, just for the purpose of recording them, some things I've noticed so far:
* There's an attention to details here that one doesn't see all that often in the U.S. The buildings are flourished with tile work and bricked designs. There are scallops in the stucco on the building across the street from ours, and every doorway seems to be different in either shape, color, or texture. Things are just, in general, beautiful to look at, and there's a sense that beauty is taken into consideration in all endeavors here--even, sometimes, at the cost of function. (Those lovely doorways, for instance, are all very short and difficult to open, placing the doorknob in the center of the door not necessarily the most effective placement.)
* Everything -- EVERYTHING -- is smaller here than at home. The garbage bags we bought turned out to be the size of grocery sacks at home. The cups are all demi. The juice cartons, the fridge, the jar of spaghetti sauce we bought -- all tiny in comparison to their parallels in the U.S. (The one exception: the Provencal lunch. Man, that was a big midday meal!)
* The French people we've met so far have, in general, been quite kind and very tolerant of us butchering their lovely language.
* No recycling bins in public places.
* Dog poop everywhere! (On the streets, on the sidewalks, in the park's grass. Yucks.)
* Everyone smokes. It's the stereotype, but it's true. (Though I've found the number of smokers in NY higher than elsewhere, too.)
* It's difficult to find bottled water to buy. I wanted a bottle to refill and searched high and low for a shop selling water in plastic (not glass) bottles. (Finally found one today.)
* As Finn noted, the peanut butter thing is true -- there's none to be found here. (Though Nutella is, in my book, a highly pleasing alternative. Chocolate for breakfast? Don't mind if I do!)
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